Nuff Zedd
The final word on everything that matters. Because I Zedd Zo.
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The Case For A Creator
1: Introduction
2: How Science Works
3: Watchmaker Shot! (Details At 11!)
4: The Big Bang
5: A Fine-Tuned Universe
6: Fine-Tuned Stars
7: A Home For Life
8: A Guide To Creation
9: The Important Part
10: A Final Word For My Skeptical Friends
A Crazy President?
High Speed Rail
Midlife Crisis
Radio Stuff
Random And Assorted Thoughts
Sugar vs. HFCS
LTSpice: A Quick Intro
Switching Supplies
1. Linear Supplies
2. PWM Basics
3. Inductance 101
4. SMPS Basics
5. A For-Real Boost Supply
6. A Flyback Converter
7. Choosing An SMPS
Thoughts On Romans
The Election (From An Ordinary Guy)
The Political Circus
Dem Nukes
Venus, Climate Change and Settled Science
The Healthcare Hydra
Contact Me
Everyone Is Going To Hell (Except For Us!)
Why Is My Internet So Slow???
The Immune System
The Rich Man And Lazarus